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Wykład inauguracyjny prof. Normana Daviesa

The History of the Southern Levant: Twenty Lectures

                                                                      Norman Davies,   UJ – IO,

  1. The Holy Land:  Jews, Christians, and Muslims, the monotheist religions
  2. The Semites:  origins, languages, distribution
  3. The Levant in Ancient Times: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Hellenism and Rome
  4. The Post-Roman Levant:  Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and Ottomans
  5. Ottoman Palestine in the Nineteenth Century, to 1914
  6. Western colonialism and its designs on the Levant
  7. Nationalism: the ideology of Blood and Soil – Germany, Poland, Russia
  8. The Rise of Arab Nationalism:  advocates and adversaries
  9. The Pale of Settlement in the partitioned lands of Poland-Lithuania
  10. Zionism: a nationalist movement from East-Central Europe.
  1. The First World War, 1914-18:  Ottoman Empire, Arabs and Zionists
  2. 1918-21:  Britain and France and their Middle Eastern Settlement
  3. 1921-39:   The British Mandate in Palestine: the birth of Transjordan
  4. 1939-45:  World War Two in the Middle East and its consequences
  5. 1945-48:  the Crisis of British Rule in Palestine;  entry of the UN
  6. 1948:  Israel's Declaration of Independence & the Palestinian Nakhba
  7. Palestinians at home and in exile:  the PLA
  8. 1948+ : Political, economic, military and territorial consolidation of Israel
  9. USA and USSR and their Middle Eastern proxies: Israel's wars
  10. Since 1990: the endless Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Process' without peace


The Polish Armed Forces in the Middle East, 1941-46 :  Twenty Lectures

                                                                       Norman Davies,    UJ,

  1. 1939-41.  Origins of the Polish Army in Russia
  2. The Soviet Union and its Central Asian Republics: the Stalinist System
  3. 1941-2.  General Anders and his Army: aims, formation, training
  4. Uzbekistan and its neighbours
  5. 1942:  Deteriorating relations with the Soviet authorities
  6. The Anglo-Soviet Invasion and Occupation of  Iran, 1941+
  7. 1941-2 Evacuations of the Polish Army to Iran
  8. Modern History of  Persia/Iran
  9. 1942-45:  the Polish Sojourn in Iran
  10. The Teheran Conference,  November 1943: the ‘Big Three'
  1. Polish civilian destinations: India, Tanganyika, Mexico, New Zealand
  2. Modern History of Iraq
  3. The Polish Army in the Middle East:  from Iran to Iraq and Syria
  4. Modern History of Syria and Lebanon: the French Mandates
  5. Modern History of Palestine, from 1900.  Zionism &Arab Nationalism
  6. The Polish Army in Palestine, 1943-45: the Jewish Question
  7. Modern History of Egypt and Libya
  8. The North African Campaigns: the Polish Contribution
  9. From Bari to Bologna: the Polish Second Corps fights in Italy
  10. The Middle East in 1945-46: what the Poles left behind

Data publikacji: 17.12.2012
Osoba publikująca: Dorota Palik